Well here I am doing what I do best which is completely slacking off on updating this blog. I realized its been damn near a month since I posted anything on this and now I feel obligated to add something.
Let me start first by saying that I have been damn near killing myself lately with work. I came to the realization that when I got transferred into the IT department that I was going to be spending a good portion of time working on trying to get things organized and running smooth at the company. For the longest time there has been problems with IT, the problems don't stem from the guy that does the IT work here, they stem from the fact that this company much like many of the others that I have worked for is completely flawed.
In the last 10 years I've held about 6 different jobs and eventually each one of them moves me into either the IT area of the company or promotes me to become a trainer. The downside which I am finding to be a huge repeated issue is that they all want to move me into these positions without giving me any kind of compensation. Thinking "hey we got this guy that loves to fix computers and can do it damn near blindfolded, why not just give him the work, and see how long he will do it for pretty much nothing." Well I have come to realize that I don't need to be this guy anymore. You see the problem that I am having is that I have more debt hanging over my head than I know what to do with and I really need to pay some of it off.
Last week I had a confrontation with the Director of the facility I work at... now I call him the director but according to him he really has no say in how anything works, everyone turns to him for support and ideas and to make decisions, and while he can spend $200,000 to hire a company to staff the facility with the dumbest people in the US (now don't get me wrong, I've worked for a staffing agency before, not everyone that has come in here is a moron, but there are more idiots than not that come from this agency.)And while he can drop that much, plus give them a fair salary (which I have recently found is the same that I am making now after being here for 3 years), but he can't "authorize" giving me a raise, or give me a position title. Here is a quick example of what has been happening in the last month.
For those of you that know me, you know that on my last trip to NH I had to get a new car. My old one was on it's last legs and it wasn't going to make it back to Florida.
So I get my new car and I make it back to Florida. When I get back I find that they want to keep me in the position of working on computers as I have done miracles with their systems, keeping them running smooth and handling issues as fast as possible. They were thrilled to have me come back and jump right back into working on the machines. Well at this time I also went to full time status, and that was good. Until I got my first pay check and realized that I was not making enough to survive. Now that I had a car payment, my school loan had been called in so I have to pay that, and I have to pay all of my other living expenses on top of it all... and I was coming up about $350 short. So unable to pay my bills is one of my biggest fears because I hate asking for money, I hate not being able to support myself fully. So I began working more hours, I figured out that if I worked a couple more hours everyday the overtime would compensate for what I needed. So I began working extra every week, there is always lots of work to do, and by doing this I found that my stress was reduced because I was able to finish more work everyday and I didn't feel as though I was overwhelmed when I arrived the next day.
Well this worked for 1 month... and last week this is the conversation that I had.
[Boss] I can't have you working overtime any longer. You have to approve all overtime through me first, and right now I don't see you needing to be here later than 5pm.
[Me] I have a lot of work that I am trying to keep under control, by staying a little later I am able to keep things running as they should.
[Boss] I'm trying to pull for you here, but I can't justify the overtime. I have people all over me asking why you need this extra time.
[Me] I need it because I am the only one working at this position here.
[Boss] Well I appreciate the effort you are putting in here, I hear nothing but good things about all the work you are doing, but unless you have an emergency then you can't have overtime.
[Me] I'm going to level with you, I have a lot of work, I need to get it all done, I haven't been given my title yet, and I need the extra time.
[Boss] I can't make any promises, I have been trying to get the title open but I don't have the authority to make that decision. You need to speak with the head of IT at the home office (which is not in Florida), and you need to get him to make a decision as to where he is going to put Chris (the current one with the desktop support title, and is too busy programming which is what the guys in the home office keep assigning him to do, and the reason they asked me to jump in to begin with). If he makes Chris a programmer, then the job of desktop support will be open. Now this is not to say that you will get the title, I know you have been doing the job for 3 months but I have to open the job up to anyone that wants to apply for it, and if there is someone more qualified then we might have to give them the position. But hang in there, the fact that you have done this job for so long may give you an advantage.
[Me] I understand, but I don't make enough right now to survive. I can barely pay my rent, and I have 2 other huge bills that have just started coming in I need the extra time as well because I need to make ends meet.
[Boss] Thats not my problem, I'm not your bank. I'm offended that you would use the overtime as an excuse to try to raise your pay, you should be using it only for emergency work.
.... ok so the rest of this conversation kind of went downhill for a while, until he finally listened to me and said that he will approve OT if I really need it and I ask for it. He also realized that I am underpaid, and that once the title comes in he will help me make sure I make enough to sustain myself.
This was good... until yesterday.
Last night, I had 2 computers that were not working properly. The users have to fax in messages to the companies that they have been taking the messages for, now 2 of the 4 computers refuse to fax. So when they approached me with the issue I sent a message to my boss that said "I have 2 computers that need to be ghosted (a type of reformatting that automatically sets up all the software and programs needed to perform their job, it takes 2 hours to run a ghost, instead of a day to install everything manually) and I need a couple hours to take care of it. He replied "I don't think this qualifies as an emergency. Can't you do it when you come in, in the morning?" And again the problems continue...
Yesterday I realized that he was trying to do what he does best, out right look me in the face and do nothing. He is a nice guy usually and outside of work I can talk with him quite easily. But it was this last thing that broke me... he wants me to wait for a position and then fight for it. He also wants me to talk with the head of IT to get the position open... for someone that is a "director" he really doesn't like making decisions, and he honestly believes that I should push to open a position he has already told me that I may not get if he finds someone else more qualified.
So the resume got revamped yesterday... and fuck them I took the title that I rightfully deserve and put it down as my position here. If they don't get on the ball here and get me a pay raise that meets my needs, then they are going to lose me fast, and I will be sure to hand off my notice to him directly so I can tell him that he doesn't have to worry about opening the position or my overtime, because I won't be coming back.