Last night at 3:15am the moon turned blood red. I haven't seen a sight like that since a fateful day in 2004 that Red Sox fans around the world know as the day the the curse was reversed.
Ok it was a few years back, and yeah every Sox fan will most likely talk about it as though it was the only world series that has ever mattered...ever. But I thought it was interesting to see that things happened that night under a lunar eclipse... and then today while the eclipse has already happened, it just seems like an odd coincidence that the Sox and the Yankees are playing again on the same day as the next lunar eclipse since the one in 2004.
Speaking of sports, what the hell is it with these people that are always in the spotlight doing such stupid things? I'm sure there were things that happened in the past, yea we all know the story of the "Chicago Black Sox" in 1919. But seriously beyond that there may have only been a hand full of athletes that would go out and do things that would cause them to have a tarnished image in the public. But now-a-days its so commonplace to have someone that is just outright stupid, repeatedly doing dumb things, and then getting a slap on the wrist for it because of their celebrity. In the last 5 years alone we have probably doubled the number of celebrities that should be sterilized just to prevent them from breeding.
I don't know about you but when I was a kid I never heard about Orel Hershiser, Nolan Ryan, Larry Bird, Kevin McHale, Michael Jordan, Wayne Gretzski, Bobby Orr, or Cam "Sea Bass" Neely beating the piss out of anyone, or threatening to kill anyone, or getting arrested for drug use. These were people that I thought of as sports heroes.. the ones that kept me interested in the sport. And now on a daily basis we hear about more dumbass "professional" athletes that are getting arrested for being absolute jackasses, and then get get away with it! They are told "you better not do that again, or we might have to suspend you from being able to play." Until they ultimately screw up to the point where someone finally says, "Hey wait, maybe Michael Vick isn't someone I want to be associated with... he could hurt my career" and they fire his ass. But with every person that sees the light there is always some other dumbshit sitting in the darkness that says, "Hey Michael Vick is free for trade! I could use him on the team! Hire that man... and give him a raise!"
Yeah there is no such thing as class in sports any longer. Its time we set some new rules and make some changes. If you are a celebrity and you screw up... the punishment is the exact same as everyone else, no special treatment. And if it means you don't get to "play" because you are in jail, and they fire you for it... welcome to the real world, they do that at regular jobs too.
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