Ok, this is probably the most heated topic that I will take up simply because I honestly hate discussing politics. The subject it stymied with far too many influences of subjects that can be misconstrued in an effort to swing the appeal of the candidate in the direction of one group or another. The problem is that many of the candidates have speech writers that will twist the words that they use to make them very generic and yet seem as though they are a positive statement to the crowd they are trying to reach. If the words aren’t generic then the candidate is instantly caught flip-flopping (see John Kerry for a good example of this).
Over the years the words “Blame Bush” have become synonymous with everything that is spiraling downward in the USA. Of course those that are currently crying “I blame Bush” used to say “I blame Bush and Congress” and now that the congress has been “Democratic” (there is no democracy in our current government everyone is in it for themselves and in my humble opinion they should all fined 500K for every year they have held office for misrepresentation to the public) they feel that Congress is doing a bang up job, and that its obviously the president that is this countries puppet master… as Bobcat Goldthwait once said, “Blaming the president for the problems of the country is like blaming Ronald McDonald whenever I get bad hamburger.”
Ok now that I have gotten that out, let me tell you who I will not be voting for:
Barack Obama
I will not be voting for this fool for the following reasons:
1) He is a flip-flopper.
a) The Wrong Button Excuse:
1a) In 1997 he voted against the election reform bill and then claimed he pushed the wrong button.
2a) In 2000 he voted for a ban on human cloning and then claimed he pushed the wrong button.
3a) In 2000 he voted for a gambling measure that was opposed by church groups, and then claimed he pushed the wrong button.
4a) In 2002 he voted to defund a social service office in Chicago and then claimed he pushed the wrong button.
b) Caught Lying to the Public:
1b) Claimed to be anti-war before becoming a Senator, and yet once he was admitted to the Senate he voted to extend the war more than 5 times.
2b) Claimed in a speech given before a Jewish Audience that his Uncle helped “Liberate Auschwitz”, which is amazing considering Auschwitz was liberated by the Soviets not the Americans or the Kenyans.
3b) Claimed the church he was part of (which he has since denounced and abandoned) never propagated Anti-American or Anti-White speeches. Upon reading his autobiography he apparently did hear both of these kinds of speeches at his church, he finally admitted to this once put under journalistic pressure.
2) He lacks both Judgment and Character
a) Pledged to dismantle our national defense system, including development of future defense technologies.
b) Has said that he believes that sex-ed is appropriate for kindergarteners to learn.
c) Pledged to sit down with state sponsors of terrorism without preconditions in his first year as president.
d) Refuses to have anything to do with our countries flag including wearing a pin of the flag, or standing before it hand over heart during the pledge of allegiance (He usually puts his hands behind his back, and looks to the ground during this time).
e) He is promoting open boarders and no capital punishment.
f) While he claims he is in favor of racial equality, he also is in favor of the Congress forming a “Black Caucus”.
g) While is said he is for pulling out the troops in Iraq (and later in his televised campaign promotions says that he wants to dictate troop levels), he has also threatened to “Bomb Pakistan” without government authorization. If you were unaware, Pakistan is one of our allies.
3) The company he keeps:
a) Tony Rezko – A convicted criminal, indicted on charges of wire fraud, money laundering, bribery, attempted extortion, mail fraud and corrupt solicitation.
b) Bill Ayers – Convicted terrorist and a murderer.
c) Alexi Giannoulias – Obama helped Alexi become the Illinois State Treasurer, Alexi took mortgages and gave the funding to Michael Giorango (a noted crime boss) who in turn purchased a Casino with the funding.
d) Jim Johnson & Penny Pritzker – Two people that somehow made out huge on all the of the subprime mortgage losses that have occurred in the last couple years. Johnson being a former CEO of Fannie Mae (and made out huge with Country Wide Loans) and Pritzker being a former Co-Owner of Superior Bank FSB ( a bank that made loans to people with less than superior credit). When Superior folded, Auditors Ernst & Young covered the FDIC loss of 40 Million, while Pritzker and her family made off with 2 Billion in the bank’s assets.
As you can see based on just the few facts that I have posted here, Obama is definitely not someone we as intelligent citizens should be putting our faith behind. I cannot see any kind of bright future behind someone that wants to disarm the country, host sit downs with terrorists and anti-American dictators, and will most likely steer us into a position of destruction.
Of course now you are thinking oh so he’s not going to vote Obama, so that means that he must be voting for McCain… WRONG.
John McCain
I will not be voting for this old man because:
1) McCain is pro open borders
a) He has voted in favor not only of completely opening the borders of the country but to instantly process and allow 15million illegal immigrants immediately become citizens. (I am not against foreigners becoming citizens of the USA, after all trace every persons heritage in this country and you will find that less than 1% have no foreign blood, I simply don’t believe that someone entering the country for the first time that is 70 years old should be able to walk into the nearest city hall and be able to receive Social Security without ever having paid a penny into it.)
b) He voted against the statement that would have made English the official language of the USA. (Yes, I want to learn Spanish, I currently live in Florida and it would help me to have a basic understanding of it, but I should learn it because I want to learn it, I don’t believe that Americans should be forced to learn it because a politician wants a larger stem of voters that choose not to learn to speak English.)
2) He is out of touch with the younger generations
a) At 73 years old how could this man possibly have anything in common with those of us that are coming into our own at 30? I mean sure he was our age once but that was back in 1965 and as far as I can tell there is a slight… slight… change in the times since then. He is known for being quick to act on anger and impulse, how many people 18 – 30 do you think he force into battle should someone insult him?
b) The policies that he is suggesting will not affect those that are his age, they will not effect the Baby Boomers for very long either, considering the first wave of Boomers are on their way into retirement now, and it is now our legacy to support them through retirement he will be long gone from this mortal coil once we see the effect of having to support our parents and the foreigners that decide to live off the American dole. (As it currently stands we have already been told as a generation that once the majority of the Baby Boomers are on Social Security there will be no SS for our generation… guess what that means, if we don’t pack away all of our money now there will be no such word as retirement.. we will work ourselves into the grave, and at the rate that businesses are dropping the pay of their workers in relation to the rising costs of everything ,we will all be working 2 full time jobs just to make ends meet without having a penny to save). His plan is to raise the retirement age and cut back on Social Security (as I mentioned, we won’t get to retire, and there will be no money left).
3) He is unable to remain loyal to his constituents
a) Has sided with “liberals” on most ideas although he remains that he is a “Republican”.
b) He seems too unsure of himself and when he lacks direction he turns to the Kennedy’s , Lieberman’s, and the Feingold’s not as a last resort but as his first.
4) Is collecting disability even though he certainly doesn’t need it (He is currently collecting $58,000 a year in disability. There are many people, myself included, that don’t make that much and we work more than 40 – 50 hours a week (he doesn’t even work half of that). I just can’t trust someone that will collect on this when the man has millions in the bank already.
5) He is in favor of prayer in Public Schools. (I am always in favor of separation of church and state). He is also a supporter of “Intelligent Design” which for those of you who don’t know is being in favor of teaching Creationism in public schools as opposed to teaching evolution.
Well my list of McCain is not as poignant as Obama’s but I can tell you that I have no desire to vote for either of these people. It is impossible to think that as Americans we cannot come up with a better group of people to push for Presidency. The worst part about it is that we are not the ones deciding who should run, we are simply told “Here are your choices”, and those choices come from rich elitists that decide upon a couple of puppets that will do exactly what they say. So we get a small group of people that are completely worthless when it comes to the election and suddenly we now (as Lewis Black put it) have a choice between two bowls of shit whose only difference is the smell.
Well this is it folks… there is no more… I won’t be voting for either of these people this year. In fact if I decide to use my write in I’ll vote for my dad to be president.
Jim Fulton
Why I WILL vote for him to be president:
1) The man has strong convictions and he sticks with them. I stand behind the fact that when he has made a decision he will stick with it and he doesn’t flip-flop to appease those that his decision does not effect.
2) I can safely assure you that hasn’t taken even a penny from a single big oil investor. He also has no ties whatsoever with anyone in the Middle East!
3) He puts in over 40 hours a week at his job. He rarely takes time off, unless he has something special planned for his family you will usually find him doing something for one of his many jobs.
4) He is up to date on the plights of the younger generation, he has heard not only myself, but my sister and brother bitch consistently about how difficult it is to get on your feet these days. He knows that we are not the only ones out there struggling to survive, and he listens when we have something to say.
5) He can be intimidating. He doesn’t have the McCain angry scowl, but he does have what I call “the collective calm” that appears when someone is doing something he doesn’t quite approve of, he’ll let you go and make an ass of yourself without really responding. He pays close attention to what you are doing, and (for the most part unless you are really doing something god awful) he will let you go about your business, and once you have finished making an ass of yourself, it is at that point when you are all worn out from stupidity that he prepares to strike.
6) He will keep trades with foreign countries peaceful, while he buys many things that are made and produced right here in America, he’ll be the first to allow Japan to ship all of it used Honda’s Accura’s, Toyota’s, and Nissan’s into the country (as long as he gets first pick of the lot) to sell at reasonable pricing.
7) He’ll not only lock the boarders down, but those that have been deported will suddenly fall under the “Fulton Household Living Rule” which includes you are allowed to stay in the house until you have moved out or been kicked out, after which you are only allowed to return for visitation, you will be closely watched, and any sign that shows that you may be trying to move back in you are kicked for good. (Not that he would permanently kick his kids out of his life, but I am living proof that he will be damned before I’m allowed to move back in now that I’m out hahah).
8) Those that are on death row will not be allowed to grow old and die. You think Texas has been quick to pull the trigger on death row inmates, that’s nothing. If you are convicted of a serious crime that warrants death as the punishment… you might as well kiss your ass goodbye once my dad is president. Our prisons won’t even need a “row” for death row. Hell they may only need one or two cells.
9) Hugh Heffner’s birthday will be celebrated right along with Martin Luther King’s. Martin Luther King helped bring equality to the black community, and Hugh Heffner helped bring Playboy Bunnies to the world. These men have done some amazing things for our lives.
10) The national deficit will finally get balanced. Cash only everything! If there is no such thing as credit then you won’t have to worry about accruing a deficit. If you don’t have the money to pay for it… guess what? YOU CAN’T BUY IT! Ta-da! Crisis averted and the USA once more becomes a hell of a lot stronger as it no longer owes itself money.
So, on this Election Day skip over those that are in it for themselves, and their domestic and foreign friends. Vote my dad for President!
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