Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Vandalizing another part of the web

Ok, here I am on what is now officially my 3rd blog site... I haven't updated my first one in a couple years, and I've pretty much forgotten about it. My second site is my myspace site, and since I have nothing better to do with my time I am checking it constantly.
So here I am with my 3rd blogging site... wonderful. Functionless art is simply tolerated vandalism...I am a vandal.
Anyway, I wanted to get this started because I figure there would be a few people to check it out once in a while, that don't check out myspace. I started thinkin about things and how life has changed from when I began school 2 years ago, and then I started thinking about how everything has changed from when I started college in 1996.
I was naive, and I thought I knew a lot more than I did. I was a Star Wars nut (and at the time the movies hadn't been re-released, so it wasn't cool to be into Star Wars) and I had a roommate that loved basketball and smokin up. Well to make a long story short, the kid I was rooming with decided to smoke all of the tea leaves that the asian girls that I was hanging with gave me, and he would come in at 3am dribbling a basketball when I was asleep, so I decided that he had to go. He roomed with me for 2 weeks before I finally drove him out, and then I was on my own again. I met a few people on my floor and the next thing ya know the nightcrawlers were formed. 6 guys + No Cars = Late nights and create your own entertainment.
So in my infinite wisdom I decided that I would also do my best to drive some teachers slightly crazy. Professor Phil Funk, and Professor Karen Stone got the worst of my stupidity when they said "If you have another name that you prefer to be called, please let me know so I can make note of it." And just to get a reaction from my friends when they called "Ryan" I raised my hand and in the more serious way I could without hesitation I said "They call me Yoda". So for the next 4 years I was known as Yoda by both teachers.
Well the next 4 years were interesting... I think I will cut the writing of this blog short, and include a video that is sure to make Keith (blogger of the reverse-peephole) hit the floor laughing because we both watched this on tv one night before passing out, and damn near killed ourselves laughing.

1 comment:

KD said...

Damn, that is classic. I can't believe you found it. One of a million great memories from the ole NHC days.